

About the Excimer Laser

The Excimer Laser is an effective and popular treatment with many of our patients suffering from a variety of conditions including psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo and hypopigmented scars. By using the high powered and concentrated UVB laser to target only the disease effected skin, the Excimer quickly clears and encourages longer remission. The precision of the laser tip also allows surrounding healthy skin to not be unnecessarily damaged.

An hour prior to undergoing treatment a medication called Levulan is applied to the affected areas. This medication amplifies the Excimer’s ability to kill cells. Patients often report a slight burning feeling afterwards similar to a bad sunburn, due to this patients must avoid sunlight for 48 hours after the treatment. These sessions usually last between 5 to 7 minutes for tougher cases and sometimes as short as 1 or 2 minutes for less extreme cases. The timeline of these treatments varies based on the condition and severity. For instance psoriasis generally takes 6 to 10 treatments while vitiligo can often require over 15 treatments to improve.
